Sunday, January 30, 2011

How do we rebuild cities with empty homes and no jobs? When does economic recovery really happen?


the increasingly important role of internet activism, opposition blogging and communication with democratic movements within and without the country over the web.
talking of the US State Department. Assange concedes that the cables contain "a relative honesty and directness, and quite a lot of wannabe Hemingway".

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011


there are structural differences between the brains of meditators and those who don’t meditate
Real Time with Bill Maher

Egypt. Al Jazeera

revolutions are televised

Black Panthers

¿Qué está haciendo Internet con nuestras mentes?

micromensajes lanzados sin pausa, su capacidad de distracción es enorme"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Leaki-Times. Dealing With Assange and the Secrets He Spilled


Wittgenstein: "the nearest of death will bring light into life".

Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.

Ray Monk’s Ludwig Wittgenstein. The Duty of Genius

Wittgenstein's philosophy of language -words always get lost in translation.

In the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Wittgenstein thought that all words get their meaning by standing for objects; or words get their meaning by being associated with ideas in the head (Plato or the empiricists).

In Philosophical investigations, the later Wittgenstein is anti-essentialist. “Don't ask for the meaning of the words but ask for the use in their context” (language-games).

John Searle criticizes Wittgenstein's anti-theoretical vein/aversion to theory.

Wittgenstein thought we cannot have a general theory of language, Searle disagrees.

Wittgenstein criticized Descartes’ dualism (mind-body). For him, the use of language constitutes it means. Language is a form of life, it develops in a social context, meaning is not private but social.

Language is a human activity, “doing not saying”. Words are actions, speaking is a human activity, words acts.

Wittgenstein attack on Descartes is not anti-cartesian (he does not reject mind) but analyses how psychological concepts such as believe, fear, hope, expecting are grounded in social context.

Searle considers Wittgenstein's last book, On Certainty, his best.

There Wittgenstein criticizes Plato and the Western intellectual tradition or the idea that any meaningful human behavior must be the expression of an (implicit) theory. Searle says that there is some truth on that, but Wittgenstein thought that our way of responding is socially and biologically primitive. For example, squirrels store nuts for winter not because they think they have resolved Hume problems of induction, and that we know now that the future resembles the past. They just do it. It is a way of responding/acting.

Another example. We refuse to put our hands on the fire not because one has inductive evidence. We do it because it is a human response, we are biological and cultural conditioned. We just act.

Wittgenstein on religion. We should not dismiss religious discourses as if they were empty or meaningless. We should exam which words are use in religious language-games. The work of philosophers then is to describe the activity not to try to control it.

Wittgenstein asked himself what role religion and religious utterances plays in life? He disliked the over-intellectualization of the atheists and philosophers. God exist? is an unnecessary discussion. It is a question of the heart not of the head (reason). It is counterproductive to try to judge religious discourses as if they were scientific ones.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Anthony Quinton on Ludwig Wittgenstein

Steve Jobs

Nacido en San Francisco, en febrero de 1955, sus padres, dos jóvenes licenciados de la Universidad de Wisconsin, decidieron darle en adopción. Su madre, según contaría el propio Jobs muchos años después, había localizado a un matrimonio de abogados de buena posición para entregarles a la criatura, pero a última hora lo rechazaron porque querían una niña. Se abrió pasó entonces una solución de urgencia, la de los Jobs, los segundos en la lista de aspirantes al bebé, un matrimonio de Mountain View, una pequeña ciudad en el área de la bahía de San Francisco (California).

Los Jobs, la pareja que le crió, eran gente normal de clase obrera, con pocos estudios, que prometieron gastar sus ahorros en dar al niño una buena educación. Después de asistir a la escuela de Cupertino (California), pasó al Reed College de Portland (Oregón).

Inconformista y autodidacta por naturaleza, dejó los estudios a los seis meses de iniciarlos, pero siguió yendo a algunas clases. No faltaba a las de caligrafía, mientras malvivía recuperando latas vacías de Coca- Cola y disfrutando de la caridad de los comedores de los Hare Krishna. Jobs pertenece a una generación que se entregó a los ídolos de sus hermanos mayores: devoto de Bob Dylan y de los Beatles, tuvo, años después, una relación con la cantante Joan Baez. A mediados de los setenta viajó a la India en busca de la paz interior. Experimentó con el LSD y volvió convertido al budismo. Sin haber perdido un ápice del talento y el sentido práctico que le llevarían a crear Apple, con la ayuda de su amigo Steve Wozniak, en el garaje de su casa, en 1976.

En junio de 2005 aconsejó a los estudiantes de Stanford recién licenciados: "No os dejéis atrapar por los dogmas, que es vivir con el resultado del razonamiento de otros. No dejéis que el ruido de las opiniones ajenas ahogue vuestra voz interior, Y, lo más importante, tened el coraje de seguir vuestros impulsos y vuestra intuición. Porque de alguna manera son los que saben lo que queréis ser. Lo demás es secundario".

Cuando en octubre de 2003, durante un chequeo rutinario, los médicos le descubrieron un tumor en el páncreas, decidió tomar el tema bajo su control. Inicialmente, un tumor de páncreas es algo bastante serio, pero una biopsia reveló que el suyo era de un tipo mucho menos agresivo y perfectamente operable. Pero Job dijo no. No se operaría y buscaría otra alternativa, quizá de medicina holística. Mientras decidía qué hacer mantuvo una dieta especial. Pero las cosas no funcionaron, y nueve meses después, un tiempo enormemente largo para este tipo de dolencias, se operó en el hospital universitario de Stanford, en San Francisco.

Hace años adoptó un uniforme que se adapta a sus gustos y su estética. Una camiseta de manga larga y cuello alto, invariablemente negra, jeansazules y zapatillas deportivas. Tras las gafas de montura ligera brillan unos ojos intensos y dominantes. Jobs es uno de los mitos vivientes de Silicon Valley, un lugar donde crecían árboles frutales hace unas décadas, y donde despuntan ahora las primeras compañías de Internet del mundo, empresas punteras como Google o Facebook.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done. -Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Los libros que han marcado el paso hacia el nuevo milenio

Mario Vargas Llosa. La Casa Verde.

Sherry Turkle

Alone Together -modern madness

Twitter and Facebook don't connect people – they isolate them from reality.
Real Time - Bill Maher - January 21, 2011


Riz Khan - Is social media driving reform in the Arab world?

Facebook como primera actividad del día

Del total de ciudadanos conectados a Internet en Estados Unidos (206,2 millones), el 71,2% tiene cuenta en la red social.

through fantasy, we learn how to desire

Our desires rely on lack, since fantasy, by definition, does not correspond to anything in the real. Our object of desire (what Lacan terms the "objet petit a") is a way for us to establish coordinates for our own desire. At the heart of desire is a misregognition of fullness where there is really nothing but a screen for our own narcissistic projections. It is that lack at the heart of desire that ensures we continue to desire.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The punitive incarceration of alleged WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning is cruel, certainly, but far from unusual in the US

Bradley Manning
Bradley Manning was charged in July with leaking classified material related to WikiLeaks; he has since been held in solitary confinement, and is said to be suffering significant psychological stress as a consequence. Photograph: AP

For the past few weeks, progressive commentators have been burning with outrage over the prison conditions endured by accused WikiLeaks source, Private Bradley Manning. For more than seven months, Manning has been held in 23-hour-a-day solitary confinement at a Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia, denied sunlight, exercise, possessions, and all but the most limited contact with family and friends. The conditions of his detention are being discussed, lamented and protestedthroughout the left-leaning blogosphere, and few of those taking part in the conversation hesitate to describe Manning's situation as "torture".

SF's new political era

"Rather than organizing solely around belief systems, programmatic manifestoes, or party affiliation, identity political formations typically aim to secure the political freedom of a specific constituency marginalized within its larger context," says the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.