Monday, December 26, 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ric Elias: 3 cosas que aprendí mientras mi avión se estrellaba

Cornel West *** What is the Point of Liberal Arts Education?

House of Cards

House of cards, la serie que ha retratado la política de Washington como un verdadero lodazal, dominado por cínicos, políticos corruptos, puros delincuentes.
House of Cards narra como Frank Underwood llega a la presidencia con varios cadáveres a la espalda, urdiendo complós y tendiendo una emboscada a su jefe cuando es presidente.  Mientras, su esposa, una calculadora Claire, aguarda el momento adecuado para lanzar su propia carrera política, con parada final en la Casa Blanca.
A este maquiavélico matrimonio, demócrata, lo han comparado con Bill y Hillary Clinton. El argumento se asemeja a momentos reales de la vida política de la pareja, pero también a leyendas urbanas esparcidas por sus enemigos, como la referente al suicidio de un colaborador suyo (Vince Foster, en la vida real), que los conspiranoicos señalaban como un asesinato encubierto y que, en la ficción, comete Frank Underwood con sus propias manos.

3 things I learned while my plane crashed

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Buy Nothing Day

Jon Stewart on President-elect Trump, hypocrisy in America

Jon Stewart reacts to election results

Cornel West. economic insecurity and cultural scapegoating

the abysmal failure of the Democratic party, and escalating poverty of working people unleashed a hate-filled populism and protectionism that threaten to tear apart the fragile fiber of what is left of US democracy. 
since the most explosive fault lines in present-day America are first and foremost racial, then gender, homophobic, ethnic and religious, we gird ourselves for a frightening future.
Despite some progressive words and symbolic gestures, Obama chose to ignore Wall Street crimes, reject bailouts for homeowners, oversee growing inequality and facilitate war crimes like US drones killing innocent civilians abroad.
Obama has been reluctant to target black suffering – be it in overcrowded prisons, decrepit schools or declining workplaces. Yet, despite that, we get celebrations of the neoliberal status quo couched in racial symbolism and personal legacy.  Meanwhile, poor and working class citizens of all colors have continued to suffer in relative silence.

Wittgenstein's lost archive

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Leonard Cohen. Poem

I didn’t kill myself
when things went wrong
I didn’t turn
to drugs or teaching
I tried to sleep
but when I couldn’t sleep
I learned to write
I learned to write
what might be read
on nights like this
by one like me

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah

Leonard Cohen - Everybody knows

Leonard Cohen - Democracy

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Thorstein Veblen. Sociologist

Cornel West. Spiritual blackout

Technology and anxiety

a search for love in the world is link to something that is essential to us as light, heat, food & water

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Way We Live, Love And Work

On Love

a critique of romanticism

Alain de Botton. Atheism 2.0

Alain de Botton. A kinder, gentler philosophy of success

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

La doctrina del shock. Naomi Klein

Kwame Anthony Appiah. About Race

“Race is something we make; it’s not something that makes us”

Philosopher, Kwame Anthony Appiah examines how the modern research of genetics has cast doubt on the 19th century theory of a racial essence. He argues that genetics and environment impact on an individual’s identity, but highlights research that has proved that genes are not inherited in "racial packages", in the third of his 2016 BBC Reith Lectures, Colour.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Electronic Frontier - AT&T

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Kierkegaard, religious absolutism, grandfather of existentialism, the most important religious thinker of the modern age. he dramatized the conflict between religion and secular reason, between private faith and the public world. Society is a place of conventions. A lover of irony.
a moralizing Lutheran who excoriated the high officials of the Danish reformed church and held forth obsessively on themes of faith, sin, and anxiety. Among his most famous works are bitter satires and invectives against bourgeois conformity that are interlaced with the same veins of explosive resentment that Dostoevsky would mine in his Notes from Underground.
the pious Kierkegaard and the atheist Nietzsche
In the 1920s and 1930s Heidegger and Sartre began to pluck from Kierkegaard’s writings the themes of existential philosophy. they borrowed his image of the human being condemned to a worldly existente
Daphne Hampson does not share Kierkegaard’s beliefs. Although she favors some kind of “spirituality,” she rejects traditional monotheism, especially its patriarchal themes.  she considers the notion of a God who resides “outside” the world the remnant of a defunct metaphysics.
For Lukács, Either/Or is a meditation on the conflict between two modes of existence, the hedonistic or aesthetic (as described in the “Diary of a Seducer”) and the ethical (in which one awakens to remorse and “holiness”). To the individual who must choose either one life or the other, Kierkegaard says, reason offers no guidance. But at the book’s conclusion we learn that neither path is right, for in prayer alone we find truth.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Bob Dylan. Shadows in the night

Bob Dylan Exclusive Shadows in the Night Interview - AARP: Bob Dylan talks about “Shadows in the Night” album, '60s rock 'n' roll, the Great American Songbook, Frank Sinatra, Mavis Staples ...

Chansons de Bob Dylan qui méritaient bien un nobel

Los Miserables

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Charles Chaplin's biography

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

UNCOUNTED: The Story of the California Primary (2016)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Live Life Like Maya Angelou

30 Photos And Quotes To Inspire You to Live Life Like Maya Angelou: Dr. Maya Angelou is a woman who needs no introduction. She was a feminist, a humanitarian, and artist, a dancer, a powerful thinker and a m...

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sugar: killing you sweetly

Sugar: killing you sweetly: Global expert on nutrition Robert Lustig warns that concerns over sugar’s effect on weight are insignificant compared to its deadly effect on the metabolism.
Adding a spoonful of sugar to your coffee may seem like a harmless habit, but according to world-renowned nutrition expert Robert Lustig,...

Poesia - Eduardo Chirinos - No tengo ruiseñores en el dedo

Los que quieran tener una idea de cómo ha ido evolucionando, en su fase madura, la poesía de Eduardo Chirinos (Lima, 1960) deberían consultar al menos tres de sus libros: Abecedario del agua (2000), Breve historia de la música (2001) y No tengo ruiseñores en el dedo (2006), que corresponden a su obra escrita en Estados Unidos, donde vive desde la década de los noventa y donde es profesor en la Universidad de Montana. Esas obras demuestran la forma sutil e intensa con la que se apropia de estímulos que pertenecen a otros órdenes de la experiencia estética para elaborar un mundo verbal que es, a la vez, personal, reconocible y remoto; ilumina la propia vida al proyectarla sobre las que otros, tiempo atrás, vivieron o imaginaron. En el segundo libro mencionado, por ejemplo, los poemas se construyen como reelaboraciones o ecos de composiciones del repertorio clásico y cuya modulación evoca la atmósfera del modelo musical que lo inspira. El nuevo libro del autor confirma aquel rasgo y, en cierta manera, lo agudiza.
La organización del libro es muy rigurosa y significativa. Los trece textos que contiene llevan numeración, además de sus respectivos títulos; cada uno tiene una estructura fija de diez partes. Esta precisa disposición recuerda un poco la de otra colección de Chirinos: Catorce formas de melancolía, que apareció en una edición privada en 2007, pues presenta otras tantas variantes sobre el motivo del título. Aunque cada uno de los textos de Humo de incendios lejanos ha sido concebido como un poema (en algún caso, se lo indica explícitamente: el texto 1 se titula “Poema de amor con rostro oscuro”), pueden también ser leídos de otra forma: como si fuesen una serie de diez pequeños poemas que giran alrededor de un tema; es decir, como variaciones o “suites” (en el sentido musical del término). Ese efecto está subrayado por el hecho de que el ritmo de los versos tiende a ser constante, con un limitado registro de tonos y timbres, pero sobre todo por tener una inflexión narrativa: nos cuentan una historia –siempre fragmentaria o elíptica–, una fábula que ya fue contada en otro tiempo o lugar, pero reinterpretada por él.
Humo de incendios lejanos, de Eduardo Chirinos

Friday, March 25, 2016

Blackwater Founder Under Investigation for Illegal Mercenary Biz

In a major new exposé, The Intercept has revealed that the Justice Department is investigating Blackwater founder Erik Prince for possible money laundering, ties to Chinese intelligence, and attempts to broker military services to foreign governments. Prince is currently the chairman of Frontier Services Group, an aviation and logistics firm specializing in shipping in Africa. But documents obtained by The Intercept show that Prince has also set up shell companies to offer paramilitary services to at least a half-dozen African nations, including Libya. Both the United States and the United Nations have imposed a series of restrictions on military dealings in Libya. Prince is also suspected of attempting to open Chinese bank accounts to move money for his Libyan associates. As part of its investigation, The Intercept obtained an internal slide presentation showing Prince’s private force would operate in Libya for the stated purpose of stopping the flow of refugees to Europe. Prince has also long been interested in raising a private military force to battle Islamic militant groups in a variety of countries. We spend the hour with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill and Matthew Cole, the reporters behind "Erik Prince in the Hot Seat." "In a lot of ways, Erik Prince is like a Mafia don," Scahill says. "He has been able to avoid any criminal charges against him personally for activities that his companies have engaged in. … Whether or not the U.S. government will actually seriously go after him is still to be seen." Scahill is the co-founder of The Intercept and author of the best-seller, "Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army." His most recent book, "Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield," is out in paperback, and his film "Dirty Wars" was nominated for an Academy Award.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

US Eugenic Sterilization that Inspired the Nazis

In the 1927 case Buck v. Bell, the court upheld a statute that enabled the state of Virginia to sterilize so-called mental defectives or imbeciles. The person in question was Carrie Buck, a poor, young woman then confined in the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and the Feebleminded, though she was neither epileptic nor mentally disabled. In the landmark decision, eight judges ruled that the state of Virginia had the right to sterilize her. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote the majority opinion concluding, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough." The decision resulted in 60,000 to 70,000 sterilizations of Americans considered "unfit" to reproduce. At the Nuremberg trials, lawyers for Nazi scientists cited the opinion in defense of their actions. We speak to Adam Cohen, author of "Imbeciles: The Supreme Court, American Eugenics, and the Sterilization of Carrie Buck."

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Oil Price Manipulation and the Global Capitalist Crisis [1]

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Oil price manipulation

Oil Bankers: The Richest People in the World
Who is the richest person in the world? The international media often tries to answer that question for us. Names get floated around like Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Warren Buffet – sometimes they’ll mention an Arab sultan or prince. Forbes magazine publishes a list of the richest people in the world.
All of this utter nonsense.
Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, Warren Buffet, the king of Saudi Arabia, all of these people are poor men compared to the ones who have real power. These people are listed as the richest people in the world, because they are so poor, that they have all of their money listed in their own name.
Those who are really rich, those with the most wealth, power and influence, have astronomical amounts of wealth, often so much money that their total net worth cannot even be calculated.
The richest people in the world can be described in two words: oil bankers.

Corporations that control almost everything you buy

This chart shows that most products we buy are controlled by just a few companies. It's called “The Illusion of Choice.” ... Read More: