Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ARRA and The Economic

Crisis: One Year Later

Has Stimulus Helped Communities in Crisis?

Jefa de la iglesia protestante alemana

Kaessmann, divorciada y madre de cuatro hijas, responde al prototipo de mujer preparada y moderna, que desde su cargo ha incidido, no sólo en cuestiones de índole religiosa, sino política. Irritó a la clase política y se granjeó las simpatías de la mayoría de sus conciudadanos con su posición crítica respecto a la participación militar de Alemania en el conflicto de Afganistán.
Su dimisión era vista como ineludible, no por el hecho de haber tomado alcohol, lo que entra en la esfera de lo privado sino por haber conducido ebria, lo que en Alemania es un delito que puede implicar la retirada del carné de conducir durante un año y una multa equivalente al sueldo de un mes.
Detenida la jefa de la iglesia protestante alemana por saltarse un semáforo cuando conducía ebria
Cuida tus pensamientos porque se volverán palabras.
Cuida tus palabras porque se volverán actos.
Cuida tus actos porque se harán costumbre.
Cuida tus costumbres porque forjarán tu carácter.
Cuida tu carácter porque formará tu destino,
y tu destino será tu vida.


Banksy in LA

Al Jazeera Chief Wadah Khanfar on Obama’s Expansion of the Afghan War

Sunday, March 28, 2010

el amor quiere cautivar la conciencia del otro

«No esclavices, señora, mi corazón con angustias y penas»

Para Aristóteles, «amar era querer el bien de alguien». Stendhal distinguía entre amor-pasión, amor-gusto, amor-físico, amor de vanidad. Rilke creía que amar es dos soledades compartidas. Proust decía que el amor es una mala suerte. ¿Después de dos siglos, amar sigue siendo un no-sé-qué?
“There are limits to everything. Accommodation should not lead to separation. A person should be able to wear what they want, but I make an exception for the full veil in public institutions."
Discussion in Quebec about the right to wear a veil in public institutions.
Quebec: a ban on face-covering Muslim veils in public places.
En La necesidad del mito, el psicoanalista Rollo May explica el mecanismo y la función que cumplen los mitos en la historia de la humanidad, pero sobre todo en el mundo contemporáneo: “Un mito es una forma de dar sentido a un mundo que no lo tiene. Los mitos son patrones narrativos que dan significado a nuestra existencia.” Los mitos son la autointerpretación de nuestra identidad en relación con el mundo exterior. Son el relato que unifica nuestra sociedad. Son esenciales para el proceso de mantener vivas nuestras almas con el fin de que nos aporten nuevos significados en un mundo difícil y a veces sin sentido. “Cualquier individuo –explica May– que necesite aportar orden y coherencia al flujo de las sensaciones, emociones e ideas que acceden a su conciencia desde el interior o el exterior, se ve forzado a emprender por sí mismo lo que en épocas anteriores hubiera llevado a cabo su familia, la moral, la Iglesia y el Estado.”
El hip hopsurge en las comunidades marginales de Nueva York a finales de los años 60 como una expresión más de la lucha por los derechos civiles de las minorías negras y latinas, y también como una alternativa a la música disco.

la evolución y decadencia del hip hop, ritmo novedoso que en tres décadas abandonó parcialmente su impulso inicial contestatario para comercializarse y volverse, con elgangsta rap, un tramposo elogio de la violencia urbana, las drogas, los mass media y la sociedad de consumo.

Una tarea de corporaciones y gobiernos: comercializar los viejos ritmos de la revuelta, la provocación polí- tica de algunos textos raperos, la carga subversiva y el potencial dislocamiento de la moral en turno. Controlar la provocación volviéndola retórica hueca e inofensiva.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The U.S. spends twice as much as other industrialized nations on health care

The mendacity of the Democratic leadership.
The bill is another example of why change will never come from within the Democratic Party. The party is owned and managed by corporations.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

El secreto de sus ojos

El secreto de sus ojos no es un filme que solamente entretenga, si bien es cierto que si no entretuviera nadie llegaría a posteriores lecturas. Pareciera que había algo flotando en el aire, una especie de necesidad social vacante que la película vino a satisfacer. No tengo respuestas claras y menos aún definitivas a la interrogante, pero intuyo que quizás, además de que se presenta una historia romántica que funciona, tiene que ver el hecho de que lo sustancial del relato se sitúe en los años previos a la última dictadura militar y, que yo recuerde, es la primera película que aborda esa época, durante la presidencia de Isabelita Martínez de Perón y la siniestra Triple a de su ministro José López Rega, preámbulo de la represión dictatorial posterior.”

Vivo limpio de heridas, no de cicatrices

No siento vacío ante lo que no he logrado. Soy bastante combativo en lo que creo, no acepto que el obstáculo sea un impedimento y lucho por superarlo. Ahora bien, si llego a la conclusión de que es infranqueable, doy un rodeo y no le dedico ni un minuto a recrearme con melancolía en lo que no ha podido ser. Soy optimista, y no he conocido en mí la experiencia de la depresión, aunque sí en personas cercanas. He sentido angustia, que es distinto, y a veces desesperanza, pero no suelo mirar hacia atrás sino desde el entusiasmo y la voluntad, que son, con el esfuerzo, los motores de mi vida. Tanto en los fracasos como en los éxitos, paso página rápidamente. Vivo la melancolía o la nostalgia de una manera más literaria o sentimental.

La hipersensibilidad

Vivimos en un mundo densamente poblado que nos obliga al roce diario con decenas, a veces cientos de personas diferentes. Cada una de ellas tiene su propia visión de lo que es correcto o incorrecto, una manera de expresarse y de reaccionar ante los estímulos externos. No es de extrañar, por tanto, que salten chispas.

Si quien se halla en medio de la vorágine tiene, además, la piel fina, el sufrimiento y los conflictos están asegurados.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Call into question the safety of dental amalgams, the use of thimerosol (another form of mercury) in vaccines, and their correlation with autism.
Call into question the safety of dental amalgams, the use of thimerosol (another form of mercury) in vaccines, and their correlation with autism.

The Ghost - Robert Harris

Adam Lang, a thinly-disguised version of Blair. The fictional counterpart of Cherie Blair is depicted as a sinister manipulator of her husband. So astonishing are the implied allegations of the roman à clef that, had it concerned a lesser figure and were Harris a less eminent novelist, Britain's libel laws may have rendered publication impossible: Harris told The Guardian before publication, "The day this appears a writ might come through the door. But I would doubt it, knowing him." The thriller acquires an added frisson from the fact that Harris was an early and enthusiastic backer of Blair and a donor to New Labour funds.

The New York Observer, headlining its otherwise hostile review The Blair Snitch Project, commented that the book’s "shock-horror revelation" was "so shocking it simply can’t be true, though if it were it would certainly explain pretty much everything about the recent history of Great Britain."

The Ghost Writer

Based on a novel by co-screenwriter Robert Harris, a former political journalist who was close to Tony Blair, "The Ghost Writer" clangs and chimes with all manner of echoes from recent history, from Blair's relationship with George W. Bush to tantalizing conspiracy theories involving Dick Cheney and Halliburton.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


"My War by Colby Buzzell is nothing less than the soul of an extremely interesting human being at war on our behalf in Iraq." - Kurt Vonnegut

“I remember reading Colby's journal entries on the internet when he was filing them from Iraq. I was amazed at how heavy the material was but what really knocked me out was how sharp and vividly intense his writing was. My War is the real deal reportage from the ground. There's no way any reporter could have brought this back. If you care about our brave soldiers in the fray and want to get an insight into what it's really like out there, My War is essential reading.” - Henry Rollins

"Endlessly surprising…delightfully profane… an unfiltered, often ferocious expression of his boots-on-the-ground point-of-view of the Iraq war." - Arianna Huffington

"If, in 20 years time, people want to know what it was like to fight in Iraq, they can pick up ‘My War’ and find out. It tells what it's like to be a grunt fighting in the Sunni Triangle – with more power and authority than the best ‘embedded reporter’ could manage. It is something of a triumph for blogs over traditional media." - Nick Cohen

"My War is breathtaking. His self-awareness is total and unromantic, his instinct for what matters unrelenting, his writing lyrical, heartbreaking, hilarious, and essential. We can read a thousand dispatches from Iraq, but we will never know the war-or ourselves-like we will after reading My War." -Robert Kurson, author of Shadow Divers

"Incredible accounts of combat from a grunt's-eye-view." -Rolling Stone Magazine

"The most extraordinary writing yet produced by a soldier of the Iraq war" -Esquire Magazine

"My War is perhaps the finest and most genuine writing to come so far out of the war in Iraq, uncompromising in both its criticism and its praise, willing to admit the ugliness of violence and the exhilaration that it breeds."
-War, Literature & the Arts Journal

"Buzzell's account of military life as a grunt in Mosul, My War: Killing Time In Iraq, is like no war diary written before. Blunt, brutal, foul-mouthed, and immediate. -The Times UK

"In gutsy, sometimes profane prose, he takes you on a soldier's-eye view of the front lines of the war." -Newsweek

"Remarkably blunt, honest and often hilarious." -Chicago Sun-Times

"Striking....Buzzell tells the story of his year in Iraq with a steeliness that's both sincere and chilling." -People Magazine

"Profound, profane....told with irresistible gallows humor and anger devoid of self-consciousness. Give[s] us a much deeper understanding of the war." -Atlanta Journal Constitution

"My War" is the story of a young grunt trying to survive boredom and death in a war zone...What you soon realize about this stranger at the bar, Colby Buzzell, is that he can knock you off your barstool at a moment's notice with soul-jarring observations and darkly comedic insights into what it really means to be fighting and idling in this war." -L.A. Times Magazine

"Funny, often surreal "What the @!%# am I doing here?" account of military life...(Grade: A-)" -Entertainment Weekly

"Raw, sardonic, and thrashingly honest, My War is a stellar grunt's-eye view of the Iraq war." -Mens Journal

"Buzzell’s My War, written in a style reminiscent of Hunter S. Thompson and Allen Ginsberg, is fueled by an antiauthority, punk-rock attitude.” -Poets and Writers magazine

"Military recruiters won't be handing My War to prospective soldiers, who would do well to read one grunt's account of what they could be getting into." -USA Today

“Several other books have come out during the war… What makes "My War" stand out is the author. The way in which a punk-rock skateboarder navigated the Army gives him a compelling voice and take on the Iraq war.”
-Denver Post

"My War: Killing Time in Iraq... the most charming and funny of the memoirists" -New York Magazine

“The war in Iraq may be far from over, but it has already produced a small crop of books by soldiers who fought in it… Colby Buzzell is perhaps the best storyteller, and without a doubt the funniest.” -BBC News

“My War is all about immediacy, and it's an invaluable reference to the current war”
-Seattle Weekly

"Sensational book... Buzzell is in the habit of telling it like it is, a skill he uses to great effect in this tragi-comic account of 'Joe' (Infantrymen) life in Iraq... In My War, he records his experiences with a mixture of irreverence and awe, like a latter day Holden Caufield who suddenly finds himself behind enemey lines" -The Big Issue (U.K.)

“Provid[es] more truth than CNN or the army could or would." -Library Journal

"Captivating memoir about the year [Buzzell] spent serving as an army ‘trigger puller’ in Iraq….though the combat scenes are exciting, this book is actually more engrossing as a portrait of the day-to-day life of a young American soldier." -Publishers Weekly

"Reminiscent of Michael Herr’s Dispatches." -Wall Street Journal

"[A] book that stands quite tall in the literature of that conflict to date." -Booklist

“This is a book you NEED to read." -AMP Magazine

“A brilliant read." -Business Standard

"Gripping memoir... My War proves that the best blogs really can become the best books." E! online

"Here, Bullet" (aquí, Bala), Brian Turner

"Sucedió un lunes a las 11.20 / Mientras los guardas de la torre comían sándwiches / Y las gaviotas planeaban sobre el Tigris (...) / El soldado Miller se mete el cañón en la boca y traga fuego / El ruido hace que los pájaros abandonen el río".