To answer questions in principle or in general is impossible
interruption of totality
scattering of semen & seeds
dispersal of semantic meaning
the deviance of meaning
fortuitous resemblance
the lack & the surplus
the play of meaning
equivocal meaning
impossible to stop dissemination
dispersal of meaning
all sorts of connotations
fertile dispersal of meaning
loss of meaning
the old meaning is lost
new context/new meaning
the process of adquiring meaning is not cumulative
disseminating free play of language
illegitimate authoritative source
negative prohibition
texts resonate
chain of significations
the play of language
corridors of meaning
links work by themselves
every text differs from itself
derailing a chain of meaning
laying down a meaning is at all times an arbitrary and provisional act
desire of power and control
putting in doubt the right to posit limits
to disclose the contingency of meaning
the constructive nature of meaning
the possibility for deconstruction
associative power
multiple cohesions not always seem logical
grammatical connections
anagrammatical games
pluralization of references & voices
words which resonate through a text
the absence of the word
lateral associations
medicine, painting, politics, farming
law, sexuality, festivity
the contingency of sense
connections, correlations, & contexts
the interminable motion of painting
writing weaves several texts
pulling a few strings
dissemination & polysemy
moments of polysemy
multiplicities within the horizon of meaning
no absolute rift
(no) senseless deviation
the representative surface
framed horizon
the meaningfulness of language
accumulation of meaning
transformations of meaning
a certain squaring of the text
discursive polysemy & textual dissemination
not hermeneutic deciphering
the (no) decoding of truth
there is no thematic unity
textual instances
there is no total message located in some imaginary order
no intentionality
my painting does not represent any truth
the heterogeneity of writing is writing itself
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